Updates to Trading Hours Due to End of DST in Australia, US and EU Easter Holidays, HK Qing Ming Festival 2021

  • 5 Apr 2021

Dear Client,

We would like to inform you that there are further updates in trading hours for DAX30 and FTSE100 due to the end of Daylight Saving Time in Australia, followed by US and EU Easter Holidays, and HK Qing Ming Festival.

Please find the information as follows.

End of DST in Australia 2021
Symbol Current Trading Time until
Friday, 2 Apr 2021
New Trading Time as of
Monday, 5 Apr 2021
Trading Hours (GMT+3) Platform Time
DAX30 Monday
01:05 – 03:00,
03:10 – 23:15,
23:30 – 23:59

Tuesday – Thursday
01:02 – 02:15,
03:10 – 23:15,
23:30 – 23:59

01:02 – 02:15,
03:10 – 22:59
01:05 – 23:15,
23:30 – 23:59

Tuesday – Thursday
01:02 – 23:15,
23:30 – 23:59

01:02 – 22:59

*Our server time is currently set to GMT+3.


US and EU Easter Holidays, HK Qing Ming Festival
Symbols Thursday,
1 Apr 2021
2 Apr 2021
5 Apr 2021
6 Apr 2021
7 Apr 2021
Trading Hours (GMT+3) Platform Time
DAX30 Normal Hours Closed Closed Late Open
Normal Hours
FTSE100 Normal Hours Closed Closed Late Open
Normal Hours

Please note: In the event that an underlying market closes or the liquidity available is deemed inadequate, the market for the affected instrument may experience wider than usual spreads or may temporarily close.


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