Account Base Currency

Converted Currency

How it works:

Enter your account base currency, select your account type, the currency pair and the leverage, and finally enter the size of your position in lots.

The calculation is performed as follows:

Forex and Metal

Required Margin in USD = [Lots * Contract Size * Opening Price / Leverage], converted back to account currency at the appropriate exchange rate


Volume in Lots: 5 (One Standard Lot = 100,000)
Leverage: 100
Account Base Currency: USD
Currency Pair: CAD/CHF 
Opening Price: 0.75695 (CAD/CHF)
Exchange Rate: 1.01883 (USD/CHF)

Required Margin in CHF = [5 lots * 100,000 units * 0.75695] / 100 = 3,784.75

Required Margin in USD = 3,784.75 / 1.01883 = 3,714.80

Spot Oils, Indices and Stock CFDs

Required Margin in USD = [Lots * Contract Size * Opening Price * Margin Percentage], converted back to account currency at the appropriate exchange rate


Volume in Lots: 5 (One Standard Lot = 10)
Margin Percentage: 1%
Account Base Currency: USD
Indices/Stocks CFDs: FTSE100
Opening Price: 7,015.55 (GBP)
Exchange Rate: 1.35469 (GBP/USD)

Required Margin in GBP = 5 lots * 10 units * 7,015.55 * 1% = 3,507.78

Required Margin in USD = 3,507.78 * 1.35469 = 4,751.95

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